


curl https://packages.fluentbit.io/fluentbit.key | gpg --dearmor > /usr/share/keyrings/fluentbit-keyring.gpg

Configure repo:

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/fluentbit-keyring.gpg] https://packages.fluentbit.io/debian/bullseye bullseye main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fluentbit.list

Install package

apt update && apt install fluent-bit


The configuration file at /etc/fluent-bit/fluent-bit.conf should just set the basic system config; all inputs and outputs should be contained in granular files.

    flush 30
    daemon off
    log_level info
    parsers_file parsers.conf
    plugins_file plugins.conf
    http_server  on
    http_port    2020
    storage.metrics on
    storage.path /var/log/flb
    storage.sync normal
    storage.backlog.mem_limit 5M

@INCLUDE /etc/fluent-bit/conf.d/*

Some directory should also be created:

sudo mkdir -p /var/log/flb
sudo mkdir -p /etc/fluent-bit/conf.d

Test configuration

Execute the program with -D to use dry-run mode:

sudo /opt/fluent-bit/bin/fluent-bit -c /etc/fluent-bit/fluent-bit.conf -D

This outputs the results of the config test immediately:

Fluent Bit v1.9.8
* Copyright (C) 2015-2022 The Fluent Bit Authors
* Fluent Bit is a CNCF sub-project under the umbrella of Fluentd
* https://fluentbit.io

configuration test is successful

A non-successful test will output the affected line number and exit with a non-zero code.

Input: Prometheus scraper

Scrapes the node exporter on http://localhost:9100/metrics


    name prometheus_scrape
    port 9100
    tag  metrics.prom
    scrape_interval 10s 

Input: Journald


    name systemd
    tag logs.journald
    Strip_Underscores on
    db /var/log/journal/fluent.db
    read_from_tail on
    lowercase on

    name record_modifier
    match logs.journald
    record type journald

Input: Nginx events

    name tail
    tag logs.nginx
    parser nginx
    path /var/log/nginx/access.log
    db /var/log/nginx/fluent_access.db
    read_from_head true

    name record_modifier
    match logs.nginx
    record type nginx

GeoIP lookup

Requires the GeoIP database from MaxMind

    name geoip2
    match *
    database /var/lib/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
    lookup_key remote
    record geoip_country remote %{country.names.en}
    record geoip_iso remote %{country.iso_code}
    record geoip_city remote %{city.names.en}
    record geoip_latitude remote %{location.latitude}
    record geoip_longitude remote %{location.longitude}
    record geoip_postal_code remote %{postal.code}
    record geoip_region-code remote %{subdivisions.0.iso_code}
    record geoip_region-name remote %{subdivisions.0.names.en}

Output: Grafana cloud prometheus remote write


    name prometheus_remote_write 
    match metrics.*
    host prometheus-prod-10-prod-us-central-0.grafana.net
    uri /api/prom/push
    port 443
    tls on
    tls.verify on
    http_user AAAAA
    http_passwd XXXXXX
    retry_limit false
    add_label host ${HOSTNAME}

Output: Grafana cloud loki service


    name loki
    match logs.*
    host logs-prod3.grafana.net
    port 443
    tls on
    tls.verify on
    http_user xxxxx
    http_passwd xxxxx

Output: Forward to another server


    Name          forward
    Match         logs.*
    Host          logs.mycoolserver.com
    Port          5000
    tls           on
    tls.verify    off

Output: Forward to another server over HTTP


Add a hostname id to each log before forwarding:

    name record_modifier
    match logs.*
    record hostname ${HOSTNAME}

    name http
    match logs.*
    host logs.mycoolserver.com
    uri /flb-log/${HOSTNAME}
    port 443
    tls on
    tls.verify on
    format json