Ceph Storage
- http://docs.ceph.com/docs/mimic/start/quick-start-preflight/
- http://docs.ceph.com/docs/mimic/start/quick-ceph-deploy/
- https://nbailey.ca/post/cephfs-kvm-virtual-san/ (OC)
Manager Node
First, install the ceph deployment tools on the manager node.
wget -q -O- 'https://download.ceph.com/keys/release.asc' | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb https://download.ceph.com/debian-luminous/ bionic main'
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ceph-deploy
OSD Nodes
NTP should be configured on OSD nodes.
sudo apt install ntp
The cephsvc
service account must exist on all the nodes:
sudo useradd -d /home/cephsvc -m cephsvc
sudo passwd cephsvc
> hunter2 or something
echo "cephsvc ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/cephsvc
sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/cephsvc
Install Python on the OSD nodes:
ssh {osd1,osd2,osd3} sudo apt-add-repository multiverse
ssh {osd1,osd2,osd3} sudo apt install python-minimal -y
SSH Keys
An SSH key should exist on the manager node.
ssh-copy-id cephsvc@osd1
ssh-copy-id cephsvc@osd2
ssh-copy-id cephsvc@osd3
SSH Config
Specify a user to use for each node:
Host osd1
Hostname osd1
User osdsvc
Host osd2
Hostname osd2
User osdsvc
Host osd3
Hostname osd3
User osdsvc
Firewall Config
Make sure that the correct ports are open:
sudo ufw allow from to any port 6800:7300/tcp
sudo ufw allow from to any port 6789
Deploying Ceph Cluster
In this section, separate admin node is used to issue the initial commands to bootstrap the cluster. This requires that the firewall, ssh keys, and packages are installed as specified above.
Create Cluster with Ceph-Deploy
Prepare data directory:
mkdir cluster-config
cd cluster-config
Specify inital monitor nodes for install:
ceph-deploy new osd1 osd2 osd3
In ceph.conf
specify the network of the ceph cluster. Though some documentation indicates this is not mandatory, it appears to fail during monitor deployment if this isn't specified explicitly.
public network =
Install the ceph packages on the nodes:
ceph-deploy install osd1 osd2 osd3
Deploy monitors and gather keys:
ceph-deploy mon create-initial
Install the ceph keys and cluster configuration to each node:
ceph-deploy admin osd1 osd2 osd3
Install the manager node:
ceph-deploy mgr create osd1
Provision Object Store Daemons
Create three OSDs. These will claim and overwrite any contents of the specified disk. Be careful!
ceph-deploy osd create --data /dev/sdb osd1
ceph-deploy osd create --data /dev/sdb osd2
ceph-deploy osd create --data /dev/sdb osd3
Check the health of the cluster
ssh osd1 sudo ceph health
Metadata Servers
A metadata node is required to use CephFS.
Create at least one MDS on the cluster:
ceph-deploy mds create osd1 osd2 osd3
Manager Nodes
At least one manager is required. It is recommended to have several in a cluster for high availability. In this case, add additional managers to the first in the cluster, osd1
ceph-deploy mgr create osd2 osd3
Ceph Cluster Operations
Storage Pools
A pool is the lowest level unit of data in Ceph. CephFS, RBD, and Swift are all ways to expose pools to different connectivity types.
Pool Type | Fault Tolerance | Storage Space |
Replicated | High | Low |
Erasure Coded | Low | High |
When creating a pool, it's important to pick an appropriate placement group identifier. Documentation on Placement Groups.
Example: Create a Replicated Pool
sudo ceph osd pool create reppool 50 50 replicated
Example: Create an Erasure Pool
The basic syntax replaces 'replicated' with 'erasure' to specify the pool type.
sudo ceph osd pool create ecpool 50 50 erasure
Pools can also be tuned balance redundancy and resiliency of the stored data. This is configured with the K and M values:
* K
= How many 'chunks' the original data will be divided into for storage. Generally, this is tied to the number of OSDs in the cluster.
* M
= Additional replica 'chunks' created to provide redundancy. The data is able to survive the failure up to M
For this very small cluster, we only need one replica chunk (M
), and two primary chunks (K
) to get the job done. This is done by creating a new profile (smallcluster), and then using that profile to provision a new storage pool.
sudo ceph osd erasure-code-profile set smallcluster \
k=2 m=1 crush-failure-domain=host
sudo ceph osd pool create ecpool2 50 50 erasure smallcluster
RADOS Block Device
Create a RADOS block device on the cluster:
Pool Name | Block Device Name |
reppool |
repdev |
Create a pool (Run on a node with admin tools/keys)
sudo rbd pool create reppool 50 50 replicated
Associate the pool with RADOS block device:
sudo rbd pool init reppool
Create a block device on the pool:
sudo rbd create repdev --size 4096 --image-feature layering -p reppool
On the Rados client, map the rbd device to a block device:
sudo rbd map repdev --name client.admin -p reppool
Format the device as
(or XFS, or ReiserFS if you like stabbing people)sudo mkfs.ext4 -m0 /dev/rbd/reppool/repdev
Mount the device on the ceph client:
sudo mkdir /mnt/repdev sudo mount /dev/rbd/reppool/repdev /mnt/repdev
Establish mount persistence:
echo "reppool/repdev id=admin,keyring=/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring" | sudo tee -a /etc/ceph/rbdmap sudo systemctl start rbdmap sudo systemctl enable rbdmap echo "/dev/reppool/repdev /mnt/repdev ext4 defaults,noauto 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
CephFS Shared Filesystem
This will act as a cluster shared volume for the cluster running on the system.
Create CephFS
Create a pair of pools to store metadata and data for the cephfs cluster:
ceph osd pool create cephfs_data 50 ceph osd pool create cephfs_meta 50
Create a CephFS system from the two pools:
ceph fs new cephfs cephfs_meta cephfs_data
If using erasure coded pools:
ceph osd pool set my_ec_pool allow_ec_overwrites true
Mount CephFS
Install the
package:sudo apt install ceph-fuse
Create a mount point with the same name as the cephfs pool (not required but recommended)
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/cephfs
Configure the
file for using FUSE:none /mnt/cephfs fuse.ceph ceph.id=admin,_netdev,defaults 0 0
The cephfs kernel driver can also be used, but it is generally recommended to use FUSE instead.
Useful Commands
Ceph OSD Status
sudo ceph osd status
Shows usage, status, and hosts in a convenient chart.
CephFS Status
sudo ceph fs status
Shows status of ceph file systems, associated pools, and active/passive MDS servers.
Ceph Cluster Status
sudo ceph -s
Shows basic health information about the cluster, including the active OSD nodes, pools and available space, and the number of placement groups in the cluster.
Ceph Rados Block Device Status
sudo rbd info reppool/repdev
View OSD and Node layout
sudo ceph osd tree
Displays a basic map of which OSDs are located on which hosts.
Authentication Scheme
sudo ceph auth list
Lists the keys in use by the system, and briefly their permissions in the cluster.
View Ceph Utilization
sudo ceph df
Much like the regular Linux 'df' command for viewing disk usage.
Add Placement Groups
Increase the number of Placement Groups:
sudo ceph osd pool set reppool pg_num 50
sudo ceph osd pool set reppool pgp_num 50
These should be equal.
Delete a Pool
Edit the config file /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
mon_allow_pool_delete = true
Restart the monitor service
sudo systemctl restart ceph-mon.target
Delete the pool
sudo ceph osd pool delete pooltodelete pooltodelete --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
Remove the allow line from the config file, restart the service again.